September 15, 2018
You have your day planned out. Your schedule is full, and you are excited for the day, but midway through your to-do list, the worst happens. You have a migraine attack. You can no longer look at your computer screen...
September 13, 2018
Summer is the season for barbeques, parties, and picnics. But it is also known for other things such as illness and dehydration. Hydration is one of the ways to keeps the stomach bugs away. When there is enough water in...
September 11, 2018
It is a Friday night or a random weekday night, and your friends want to party. One of you is having a birthday, and after a long day’s work, you all end up at a friend’s house for a night...
September 9, 2018
Beauty is skin deep, is an old saying and while sometimes it sounds far-fetched, it is scientifically valid. The skin does not just maintain its glow from layers of makeup but from what you feed the body. Moisturizing your skin...
September 7, 2018
Nearly 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. This is a large number especially considering how dehydration can adversely affect your health. But does this mean that all these people do not know the importance of water and go without drinking...
September 5, 2018
Our bodies are about 80% water, and it is for this reason that we should be drinking water regularly. The only problem with water is that sometimes there are issues, the first one being that it takes a while for...
September 3, 2018
Losing weight takes a combination of a healthy diet, exercise and sometimes supplements. But all these will still not work when you aren’t taking as much water as you should. Being hydrated is essential to weight loss, but in some...
August 28, 2018
Whether you are climbing the corporate ladder, trying to juggle work and parenting, or just trying to make ends meet, you may find yourself in a state of chronic stress. In some instances, stress can become such a common denominator...
August 25, 2018
The process of aging has many dimensions, including physiological, social, and psychological elements that sum up an individual’s relative state of being. Because the aging process is multidimensional, it cannot be defined solely by the number of years since birth...
August 23, 2018
If you are like many women, you probably have a collection of partially used beauty products that made big promises when you bought them, but failed to deliver the desired results. The truth is, products applied to already formed cells...