Whether you are training for the NYC Marathon, teaching Zumba or just hitting the gym like a beast, athletic performance places demands on your body that often exceed your reserves of micronutrients and fluids. While most people get adequate vitamins, minerals and fluids from diet, athletes and fitness enthusiasts often become dehydrated and deficient in important micronutrients, electrolytes, antioxidants and enzymes.
Metabolism is the sum total of cellular activity in your body. In order for all your systems to operate at their peak, you need energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as micronutrients like vitamins, minerals and enzymes to support the chemical processes that convert food to fuel. You also need adequate water to sustain optimal metabolic function. When elements necessary for metabolism become depleted, you may experience fatigue, muscle soreness, weakness and reduced performance. With IV Vitamin Therapy, you can quickly and efficiently restore optimal levels of nutrition and hydration without added calories.
IV Vitamin Therapy helps:
- Boost performance
- Increase stamina
- Delay fatigue
- Maximize hydration
- Speed recovery time
- Restore depleted micronutrients
- Make you feel great!
While called Vitamin Therapy, IV vitamin cocktails also include minerals, amino acids, enzymes, electrolytes and antioxidants. There are a variety of cocktails to choose from, ranging from hangover relief to stress management to workout recovery to immune system support, to brain function, depending on your needs. The trained staff at Advanced Cryo NYC will help you decide which cocktail is right for you.
How IV Vitamin Therapy Works
Rigid training regimens often do not allow for adequate recovery time, so staying fully hydrated and nourished becomes critical to peak performance. Nutrients and supplements consumed via your digestive tract do not always make it into your circulatory system, and they are often excreted without making a difference. Intravenous Vitamin Therapy optimizes your levels of hydration and micronutrients by bypassing your digestive tract and sending nutrients directly into your bloodstream, where they are quickly delivered to your cells.
Will IV Vitamin Therapy Hurt?
At Advanced Cryo NYC, IV Vitamin Therapy is administered by a trained clinician and is minimally invasive. It is pain-free, with no significant health risk. While being treated, you relax in a comfortable lounge chair where you can work, read, browse social media or just close your eyes and daydream.
If your training schedule is sapping you of energy and burning you out, IV Vitamin Therapy at Advanced Cryo NYC could be just what you need to get back on top of your game.