Heart disease has been the number one killer of Americans for decades, accounting for nearly 25% of adult deaths each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More recently, cardiovascular disease has presented as a side effect of the experimental mRNA gene therapy being promoted and even mandated in countries around the globe.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is an essential coenzyme that plays a vital role in cardiovascular health. From protecting the endothelial lining of blood vessels to promoting cellular mitochondrial health, NAD therapy can be a powerful weapon to treat and reverse cardiovascular disease. NAD treatment is most effective when delivered via intravenous infusion.
NAD Therapy Protects Blood Vessels
Your blood vessels play a critical role in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout your body. They help your body maintain optimal temperature and remove the waste products of metabolism from your cells. But healthy blood vessels are dependent on the availability of specific nutrients, including NAD, to repair and replenish endothelial cells.
Your blood vessels are lined with a single layer of cells called endothelium that mediate your blood pressure, constricting and dilating blood vessels to distribute blood, nutrients and oxygen to the areas of greatest demand. For example, when you’re running, blood vessels that supply your leg muscles dilate to increase blood flow, while those that feed your digestive system constrict. After a large meal, you may feel sleepy as blood is shunted away from your brain to the blood vessels feeding your digestive tract.

As you age, the number and function of endothelial cells declines, putting you at greater risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Your arterial lining becomes less responsive, and your vessels’ ability to dilate and constrict is compromised. This can lead to hypertension that places a resistive load on your left ventricle, putting you at risk for congestive heart failure.
Endothelial cells are also responsible for regulating platelet aggregation, maintaining your blood fluidity and inhibiting the formation of blood clots. When the endothelial lining begins to break down and malfunction, blood can become sticky and blood clots can form and accumulate. This can reduce your arterial circumference and increase your blood pressure, forcing your heart to work overtime to meet your body’s oxygen needs. Blood clotting is a known side effect of mRNA gene therapy.
Elevated levels of available NAD are shown to slow and reverse endothelial decline and improve circulation throughout the body. Intravenous infusion of NAD is a fast and effective way to increase NAD levels. Because NAD is a nutrient and not a drug, it is perfectly safe, with no known side effects.
NAD Treatment Promotes Heart Health
Your heart, liver and kidneys have the highest concentrations of NAD in your body, and the NAD molecule plays a critical role in maintaining healthy heart cells. Adequate levels of NAD promote healthy mitochondria, the organelles within your cells that produce ATP, the energy molecule.

NAD therapy has been shown to:
- Reduce LDL and total cholesterol
- Reduce the risk of heart attack
- Reduce the risk of stroke
- Reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Lower blood pressure
- Reverse heart failure
In addition, NAD therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD), an unexpected episode of cardiac malfunction in people who are not identified as being at risk for cardiovascular disease. Myocarditis is a serious side effect of COVID mRNA therapy, occurring especially in young males who were previously fit and healthy, putting them at risk of SCD.
When combined with a nutrient-dense diet and regular exercise, NAD IV therapy can reduce the risk of heart disease, mitigate the negative effects of mRNA therapy, slow and reverse aging, and promote longevity and quality of life.
Reduce Heart Failure Risk with NAD Therapy

Congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs as a consequence of chronic hypertension that reduces circulation and causes fluid to accumulate in your lungs and extremities. In an effort to boost circulation, your left vertical is forced to work harder. Over time, the left ventricle’s tissues become stretched, much like a deflated balloon, reducing its ability to eject (systole) or fill with (diastole) blood.
Recent NAD research suggests that NAD therapy can help reverse heart failure by increasing diastolic function of the left ventricle, reducing lung congestion, and increasing exercise tolerance in patients with CHF.
NAD Treatment and Coronavirus
Declining NAD levels increase your risk of metabolic disease, putting you at higher risk of death from COVID and other viral infections. Low NAD can also increase your risk of adverse reactions to experimental mRNA gene therapy and other pharmaceutical interventions for coronavirus.

NAD enhances your ability to metabolize fat for fuel, reducing your risk of metabolic disease associated with obesity. Obesity and metabolic syndrome are common comorbidities that dramatically increase your risk of hospitalization and death from coronavirus.
NAD Therapy in NYC
When delivered by IV infusion, NAD therapy can quickly boost available NAD, sending it directly to your blood vessels and heart cells without intervention by your digestive system. Regular NAD therapy combined with healthy lifestyle practices like exercise, sunlight exposure, sleep and a nutrient-dense diet can help rejuvenate the cells throughout your body and keep your body’s systems fully functioning.
Optimizing your NAD levels as you age can profoundly impact your quality of life, enabling you to maintain your independence and participate in your favorite activities. NAD therapy promotes health not only in your heart, but in other vital organs and tissues throughout your body.
Reduced cardiovascular performance is not inevitable as you age. You can be proactive in fighting heart and vascular disease by boosting your NAD levels. InVita Wellness in Manhattan is your clinic of choice for NAD therapy in NYC. Regular NAD treatments can help you stay young and vital at any age, so you can enjoy your life to the fullest.
Lin, Qiuzhen, et al. “NAD+ and Cardiovascular Diseases.” Clinica Chimica Acta (2021).
Mateuszuk, Łukasz, et al. “Reversal of endothelial dysfunction by nicotinamide mononucleotide via extracellular conversion to nicotinamide riboside.” Biochemical pharmacology 178 (2020): 114019.
Sun, Hai-Jian, et al. “Role of endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular diseases: the link between inflammation and hydrogen sulfide.” Frontiers in pharmacology 10 (2020): 1568.
Tong, Dan, et al. “NAD+ Repletion Reverses Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction.” Circulation research 128.11 (2021): 1629-1641.
Xu, Weiyi, and Lilei Zhang Le Li. “NAD+ Metabolism as an Emerging Therapeutic Target for Cardiovascular Diseases Associated With Sudden Cardiac Death.” Frontiers in Physiology 11 (2020).