Eczema and psoriasis are both skin conditions that fall under the umbrella of dermatitis. They both involve patches of dry itchy skin that can be red, burning, weeping and painful. While conventional medicine attempts to treat dermatitis with topical ointments and pharmaceutical drugs, there is growing evidence that inflammatory skin conditions are caused by imbalances in the gut and skin microbiomes that cause an autoimmune response.
NAD therapy and cryotherapy are two safe and natural treatment approaches that help soothe dermatitis symptoms and restore healthy microbiomes to the skin and gut.
Dermatitis Symptoms and Causes
The suffix “itis” refers to inflammation in body tissues that can be painful and irritating. Contact dermatitis is caused by an allergic reaction to environmental factors like poison ivy, as well as cosmetics, soaps, metal jewelry, and dyes.
Eczema and psoriasis are types of atopic dermatitis that elicit an autoimmune response. The difference between the two is subtle, and has to do with the appearance and location of the skin lesions. Until recently, medical doctors were unsure about the underlying cause of atopic dermatitis, but recent research suggests that it is caused by dysbiosis in the bacteria and microbes that make up the microbiomes of your skin and gut.

Both your skin and intestinal lining are covered with millions of microbes that function as part of your immune system. Your microbiome serves as a barrier to regulate which substances can pass into and out of your skin and gut. Dermatitis is an immune response to invading harmful microbes that make their way past a dysfunctional microbial barrier.
Symptoms of atopic dermatitis include:
- red patchy skin
- brown or purple patches on darker skin
- inflammation of the affected skin
- cracking and scaling on the skin’s surface
- oozing of clear fluid from weeping sores
- crusty scabs
- itchy painful sores
Contributing factors may include:
- chronic stress and anxiety
- overuse of antibiotics
- sleep deprivation
- reduced exposure to sunlight
- high-gluten diet
- “dead foods” diet with no active enzymes, cultures or bacteria
- physical inactivity

Restoring balance to your microbiome can help treat and eliminate atopic dermatitis and restore protective immune barriers to the skin and gut.
Cryotherapy for Eczema and Psoriasis
Cryotherapy is a non-invasive treatment approach that exposes the superficial layers of skin to extreme cold. In response, blood vessels near the skin’s surface constrict, shunting fluids from the skin and whisking away bacteria and toxins in the process.
One recent study treated patients with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis with localized cryotherapy. The treatment was directed at one side of the body, while the other side was left untreated. Study participants reported relief from itching immediately after treatment, and relief persisted on the treated side at one, two and eight weeks after treatment.

NAD Therapy for Dermatitis
Mitochondria are tiny organelles located in all human cells, responsible for cellular respiration. They enable your cells to utilize oxygen to produce energy, and to eliminate carbon dioxide, which is the metabolic “exhaust” of cellular respiration.
The quality and function of mitochondria are dependent on mitochondrial DNA (mDNA). Damaged mDNA is thought to play a role in skin diseases. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a critical coenzyme responsible for the repair and maintenance of mDNA for healthy mitochondrial function.
NAD is found in all human cells, but its abundance diminishes with aging. NAD deficiency has been associated with many of the signs and symptoms of advanced aging, and with skin lesions and age spots in older adults. Low NAD levels that cause reduced mitochondrial function in skin cells is thought to be a critical factor in atopic dermatitis.

NAD Therapy and Cryotherapy in NYC
Dermatitis is an uncomfortable and embarrassing condition, causing unsightly lesions on your skin’s surface that itch, burn and ooze. While not contagious, the appearance of open sores on your skin can be off-putting to others. People who suffer from atopic dermatitis often shy away from sleeveless shirts, gyms, swimming pools and beaches.
If you are suffering from atopic dermatitis, NAD therapy and localized cryotherapy are two treatment options that have produced positive results for thousands. You can get both therapies at InVita Wellness in Manhattan.
You don’t have to be embarrassed about your skin. Contact InVita Wellness today, and begin your skin healing journey so you can get back to doing the things you love.
Bjerre, R. D., et al. “The role of the skin microbiome in atopic dermatitis: a systematic review.” British Journal of Dermatology 177.5 (2017): 1272-1278.
Kim, Jung Eun, and Hei Sung Kim. “Microbiome of the skin and gut in atopic dermatitis (AD): understanding the pathophysiology and finding novel management strategies.” Journal of clinical medicine 8.4 (2019): 444.
Lee, Eun Hye, et al. “Effect of a new cryotherapy device on an itchy sensation in patients with mild atopic dermatitis.” Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (2021).
Namazi, Mohammad Reza. “Nicotinamide: a potential addition to the anti‐psoriatic weaponry.” The FASEB journal 17.11 (2003): 1377-1379.
Sreedhar, Annapoorna, Leopoldo Aguilera-Aguirre, and Keshav K. Singh. “Mitochondria in skin health, aging, and disease.” Cell Death & Disease 11.6 (2020): 1-14.