Whether you are a busy executive with meetings lined up for months to come, a professional whose work requires attention to detail, or a college student with exams and projects to complete, you need your brain to be alert and focused in order to perform at your best. Sadly, stress, burnout, sleep deprivation and sporadic eating patterns can leave you feeling run down and foggy-brained, and vulnerable to infections.
How Micronutrients Promote Brain Health
In order to function at your best under conditions of long-term stress, you need extra nutritional support to keep you balanced and healthy. Micronutrients like vitamins, minerals and amino acids can easily become depleted when you push your mind and body to perform day after day, without adequate sleep and proper nutrition. Before long, you find yourself forgetting important details and making clumsy and costly mistakes that could have been avoided.
One reason you may find yourself unable to focus and think clearly is inadequate nutritional support. Your brain relies on nutrients to build healthy cells and to govern the thousands of metabolic processes that occur throughout your body, day after day. Mental fogginess and memory problems are warning signs that you may be deficient in vitamin B12, one of the most important nutrients for brain health.
In addition to Vitamin B12, other nutrients your brain relies on to function at its best include Vitamin B9 (folate), Vitamin B6, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Low levels of Omega-3s have been associated with increased levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which is a marker for brain atrophy (shrinkage), dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. B-vitamins help convert homocysteine into the protein methionine — a process that is impaired when you are deficient in B6, B9 and B12. Ongoing deficiency in these important nutrients can lead to poor memory and lack of mental clarity in the short run, and serious cognitive problems over time.
How a Brain Tonic Cocktail Improves Cognitive Performance
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and B-vitamins are found most abundantly in animal foods. Omega-3s come from wild-caught cold water fish like salmon, sardines, lake trout and albacore tuna. B-Vitamins are most plentiful in red meats, liver and egg yolks. However, loading up on meat and eggs each day is impractical for many people, and meat can take up to 48 hours or longer to be broken down and absorbed. Taking oral supplements may help, but they often lose their potency during the digestive process, and some supplements pass right through your system without ever being absorbed.
Brain boost IV therapy provide a fast and convenient way to get the high potency vitamins, minerals and amino acids you need to perform at your peak. During an IV therapy session, you can relax in comfort while potent micronutrients infuse directly to your blood stream, bypassing your digestive tract. Nutrients become immediately available to cells throughout your body, including your brain.
People who may benefit from a micronutrient Brain Tonic cocktail include:
- Overwhelmed college students studying for exams
- Business people who travel and deal with daily stress
- Exhausted parents who don’t get enough sleep
- Athletes and fitness enthusiasts who train hard
- Brides-to-be planning wedding details
- Shift workers who are chronically sleep deprived
- Vegans and vegetarians who avoid eating animal products
- Anyone who wants to stay focused and engaged
Brain Tonic Therapy in NYC
If you need mental clarity to perform at your best, schedule a micronutrient Brain Tonic Cocktail at Advanced Cryo NYC. Relax in our spa-like clinic while potent nutrients that support brain health infuse, drip-by-drip, into your bloodstream. Many people leave the clinic feeling energized and revitalized after a single micronutrient IV therapy session.