Metabolism is the sum total of cellular activity that goes on in your body at any given time. If your daily grind includes a lot of brain storming but very little physical activity, chances are your metabolism is slow, and you may feel sluggish and have trouble managing your weight. Ironically, despite chronic fatigue, you may also have trouble sleeping at night, which slows your metabolism even more.
To speed up your metabolism for energy and weight loss, you have to make changes at the cellular level. Healthy cells are busy cells, and with trillions of them contributing to your metabolism, imagine them all working harder to rev you up, burning fat as they go!
So lets rev it up! Ready, set, GO!
- Work out smarter (and harder): Millions of people hit the gym every day, but most of them just go through the motions, trudging away on the treadmill and moving mindlessly through the weight circuit. To wind up your workout and get more bang for your gym bucks (and time), try interval training at a 3:1 ratio. For example, begin with 90 seconds of brisk walking and 30 seconds of running. Repeat the walk/run interval for 20 minutes, then hit the weights. Mentally focus on the muscles you are using, and challenge yourself to add more weight or do more reps. Hint: Free weights burn double the calories of machine weights!
- Get off your tush: More and more people spend all day at a computer, paying little attention to posture, and increasing the risk of heart disease. Try elevating your workstation so you can stand, or replace your chair with a stability ball to promote good posture and keep your muscles working. Get up at least once every hour and do a couple minutes of vigorous activity to get your heart pumping and increase oxygen to your brain. You’ll feel better and be more productive.
- Fast: Constantly having food in your digestive tract makes your vital organs work harder and diverts blood and oxygen away from you brain and extremities, making you tired. Plus, when you have a never-ending flow of calories, your body doesn’t need to tap into your fat stores to keep going. Intermittent fasting is a great way to boost your metabolism and burn fat. Try consuming all your daily calories in a four- to six-hour window, and then let your system rest until the next day, drinking only water. You will see dramatic changes in energy and weight loss.
- Eat green: Fresh green veggies are full of nutrients, enzymes and antioxidants that your body craves, and they contribute to a healthy gut biome. Daily salads or green smoothies will make your body hum with good health and renewed energy.
- Stay hydrated: Your cells are made up of mostly water, and being dehydrated interferes with their function, slowing your metabolism and making you droopy. Just think about your poor house plants when you forget to water them! Drink at least one ounce of plain filtered water for every two pounds of body weight daily and see how much perkier you feel.
- Optimize micronutrients: Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other trace elements need to be replenished on a regular basis to keep your metabolism humming along. Nutrient deficiency slows you down and weakens your immune system. Micronutrient IV therapy is a great way to get the nutrients you need without adding extra calories.
- Use cryotherapy: New benefits of cold therapy are being discovered every day, and people are flocking to cryo sessions to look and feel great. Rev up your metabolism, sleep like a baby and feel amazing with regular cryotherapy sessions.
Rev Up Your Metabolism in NYC
To give your metabolism a jump start with energizing micronutrients, optimal hydration and cryotherapy, visit Advanced Cryo NYC in the heart of fashionable SoHo. Relax in our spa-like clinic while hydrating fluids and energizing micronutrients are infused directly into your bloodstream.
Then stick around for an invigorating cryotherapy session in one of our cryochambers. You will leave feeling energized and rejuvenated, and ready to begin your journey to a healthier more energetic version of yourself.