IV therapy
A diagnosis of cancer sends ripples of shock and fear among afflicted patients and their loved ones. Cancer is often difficult to treat, and can quickly turn deadly. Many cancer treatments themselves have harmful side effects that destroy healthy cells and weaken the body’s immune system. Vitamin C IV therapy is a natural treatment that boosts your body’s immunity and enhances its ability to prevent and fight cancer.
What Exactly is Cancer?

Cancer is an umbrella term for a group of diseases that share a common feature. In every human body, old cells continually die and are replaced by new healthy cells. But sometimes, instead of dying, old cells form new abnormal cells that grow and divide at a rapid and uncontrolled rate.
Cancerous cells have programming errors in cellular DNA that cause them to divide and spread. Although your body’s immune system normally catches DNA errors and causes cancerous cells to self-destruct, a weakened immune system is often unable to stop damaged cells from running amok.
In some cases, cancer cells form a mass, or tumor, although not all cancers form tumors. Blood cancers interfere with your ability to produce red and white blood cells, reducing your immune system’s ability to fight infections and prevent serious bleeding.
The underlying cause of cancer has been linked to a number of factors, including;
- Environmental toxins in air, water and food
- Tobacco products
- Exposure to toxic chemicals
- Obesity
- Poor nutrition
- Lack of physical activity
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts your immune system and helps protect your body from rogue cancerous cells before they become deadly. Increasing your consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors and eliminating chemical-laden processed foods can help you build a protective hedge against cancer.
History of Vitamin C

It wasn’t long ago in human history that Vitamin C deficiency was widespread. Scurvy, a disease caused by Vitamin C deficiency and marked by anemia, fatigue, spontaneous bleeding, leg pain, mouth ulcers and tooth loss, has been recorded since ancient times.
If left untreated, the end result of scurvy is death. In the 16th and 17th Centuries, sailors on long sea voyages were especially vulnerable due to lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, and more died from scurvy than from storms, battles and other diseases. Scurvy was also rampant during the American Civil War and the Irish potato famine of 1845.
In 1747 it was discovered that eating oranges, limes and lemons cured scurvy — in fact, that is why sailors came to be called ‘limeys.’ But it wasn’t until 1932 that a Hungarian biochemist isolated the 6-carbon carbohydrate, hexuronic acid. He later renamed it ascorbic acid, aka Vitamin C.
Today, thanks to modern shipping and an abundance of available fruits and vegetables, incidences of scurvy are rare. However, impoverished and war-ravaged nations continue to suffer from the disease. Despite the nutrient’s widespread availability, many Americans choose to eat poor diets with low amounts of Vitamin C and other vital nutrients.
Oral Vitamin C vs IV Therapy

Early studies on Vitamin C cancer treatment used oral supplements, which had minimal effect. That is likely do to a compromised digestive tract from other treatments that made the supplements difficult to absorb.
Nausea and upset stomach are common side effects of harsh cancer treatments. Vitamin C IV therapy bypasses your digestive tract, sending the potent antioxidant directly to your bloodstream, where it is quickly transported to your body’s immune cells.
Studies have shown that when given equal doses of Vitamin C, patients receiving IV therapy had peak plasma concentrations of the nutrient that were 25 times higher than patients given an oral dose.
Immune-Boosting Citrus Cocktail IV Therapy in NYC

Whether you are a cancer patient currently receiving treatment, a cancer survivor, or you simply want to give your immune system a boost to fight off seasonal viruses, an IV Citrus Cocktail provides a megadose of Vitamin C and other potent nutrients. Because Vitamin C is a natural food-based nutrient, it is not harmful to human health and does not require a prescription.
Contact Advanced Cryo NYC today and schedule your IV therapy session in our relaxing Manhattan clinic.
Note: If you are currently being treated for cancer, we recommend consulting your physician prior to making an appointment.