Whether cellulite appears on your buttocks, hips or thighs, you can eliminate the grotesque appearance and gain a new sense of self-confidence. Here are a few effective treatments for reducing cellulite:
Introducing Cellulaze
If you undergo a Cellulaze treatment, the therapist inserts a tiny laser tube underneath your skin. The inserted tube emits heat that causes your fat pockets to melt. You will need to set aside one hour to one hour and 30 minutes for each session.
Cellulaze is a therapy approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Even though the technique is supported as a safe method for eliminating cellulite, it does involve a minimal amount of invasion.
For instance, you need to undergo anesthesia involving an incision. With any type of invasive procedure, you risk getting an infection, bruises and even permanent scars. After undergoing a Cellulaze treatment, avoid participating in strenuous exercises for a minimum of seven days.
Radial Shockwave Treatment
Radial shockwave therapy is another effective cellulite treatment. With this method, your skin is the recipient of shockwaves administered to prominent cellulite areas. These shockwaves cause collagen to produce more rapidly. Collagen is known as a skin tightener causing cellulite to look less noticeable.
One type of radial shockwave therapy actually causes the surrounding skin tissue to break. The breakage makes your skin look smoother. If your skin has an abundance of cellulite, you may need to set up a minimum of 10 radial shockwave therapy sessions before you achieve the desired effect.
Endermologie Treatment
Endermologie is not a newcomer to cellulite treatment methods. This technique involves receiving a specific type of massage. During your massage, the therapist rolls a device resembling a vacuum over your skin. Rolling this device over the cellulite helps boost the circulation. This technique also involves draining fluid from your skin. The drainage makes your skin look smoother.
Endermologie is a popular way to treat cellulite. The procedure poses minimal risk. However, the treatment can cause pain. In addition, you may notice bruises. Other benefits include drainage of lymph fluid and improved blood circulation.
Whole Body Cryotherapy Technique
Offering a natural, noninvasive procedure, whole body cryotherapy is not only for the relief of sore muscles and tendons. In whole body cryotherapy, cold air causes collagen to multiply. The additional collagen repairs damaged skin tissue and reduces the appearance of cellulite. Toxic substances are flushed out of your cells. Your blood flow and circulation improve.
Undergoing a whole body cryotherapy treatment involves standing in a cold chamber. At first, you may feel fear at the thought of being exposed to freezing temperatures. However, the session only lasts a maximum of three minutes. You cannot experience hypothermia when subjected to extremely cold temperatures for this short period.
Methods used to treat cellulite include:
- Cellulaze therapy
- Radial shockwave therapy
- Endermologie massage
- Whole body cryotherapy
- Benefits of Cryotherapy
If you are tormented because of cellulite on your otherwise attractive body, cryotherapy sessions can help treat your condition. In addition to lessening the appearance of cellulite, you learn how to develop a healthier lifestyle including eating nutritious meals, staying away from junk food and sugary beverages, drinking plenty of pure water and participating in enjoyable physical activities such as walking, tai chi and dancing.