Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart and deliver it to cells throughout the body. Arterial health depends on good nutrition and adequate exercise, but over time, arterial plaque can build up on arterial walls, narrowing their diameter, reducing their elasticity and causing elevated blood pressure that leads to heart disease and cardiac events.
Plaquex is a natural remedy for arterial aging that helps to dissolve arterial plaque and rejuvenate arterial function.
Your Vascular System
Your vascular system functions non-stop from birth to death, providing cells with the oxygen and nutrients they need to stay alive, and removing cellular waste from energy metabolism. Your circulatory system includes the aorta, arteries, arterioles and capillaries responsible for delivering oxygenated blood and nutrients to the cells, along with the venules and veins that return deoxygenated blood and cellular waste to the heart.
The arterial walls are thick and highly pressurized, while the veins are thin-walled and less elastic, with much lower pressure. At any given time the venous system contains about 75% of circulating blood volume, while 5-10% remains in the arteries.
Arterial pressure remains consistently high thanks to thicker walls with an abundance of elastic fibers and smooth muscle tissue. The elastic properties of arteries enable them to alter their diameter, thus shunting blood from one area of the body to another to accommodate demand. For example, when you begin to run, arteries in your digestive system may constrict while leg arteries dilate, directing greater blood flow to the cells that need it most.
There are two main types of arteries – elastic and muscular. Elastic arteries are found closest to the heart, and include the aorta and pulmonary arteries. They have more elastic fibers than muscular arteries, allowing them to maintain a relatively consistent pressure gradient.
Muscular arteries are more distal to the heart and include major arteries like the brachial, radial, and femoral arteries. They contain a greater number of smooth muscle cells that contract to help circulate blood to cells in the periphery.
For optimal functionality, your vascular system depends on regular exercise that elevates the heart rate, thus raising blood pressure within the arteries. It also depends on good nutrition and adequate hydration, to prevent the buildup of plaque on the arterial walls.
What Causes Arterial Plaque Buildup?
Arterial plaque is made up of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and fibrin that get deposited on the arterial walls. As plaque accumulates in the arteries, the walls become thicker and stiffer, making the arteries narrower and less elastic. Atherosclerosis is a slow, progressive buildup of plaque over time that can block blood flow and prevent oxygen delivery to the body’s cells and heart.
Causes of arterial plaque buildup include:
- Hypertension
- Smoking
- Type 2 diabetes
- Obesity
- Lack of physical activity
- High sugar and carbohydrate consumption
- Diet high in processed foods
Making positive lifestyle changes by eating a whole foods diet and getting regular exercise can help to stop the buildup of arterial plaque. However, if you already have substantial plaque buildup, Plaquex can help to clean up your arterial walls and restore their elastic properties.
How Plaquex Targets Arterial Plaque
Medical doctors often prescribe statin drugs to patients at risk for atherosclerotic heart disease. However, recent research has uncovered multiple side effects of statins that can do more harm than good. Statins do not eliminate plaque from the arterial walls – they simply draw the cholesterol out of plaque and attempt to stabilize it. Once prescribed statins, patients are recommended to take them for life.
Side effects of statins include:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Fatigue and weakness
- Digestive problems
- Muscle pain and weakness
- Sleep problems
Plaquex has been used successfully in multiple other countries for at least 70 years.
When infused into the bloodstream, Plaquex removes fatty and hardened plaque from the arterial walls, dramatically enhancing blood circulation and rejuvenating blood vessels. Plaquex is also used to treat liver and kidney disease, combat psoriasis, and to protect the stomach lining from NSAID damage.
Benefits of Plaquex include:
- Enhanced blood flow
- Repair of damaged endothelial walls
- Optimized delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells
- Reduced LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- Increased HDL cholesterol levels
- Activates the LCAT enzyme that esterifies and removes plaque deposits
- Decreases lipid peroxidation, a process that increases platelet aggregation associated with blood clots

Plaquex is delivered via IV infusion, with a single session taking between 60-90 minutes. About 20 weekly Plaquex IV sessions are recommended for optimal results. Plaquex side effects are rare, and are mostly confined to mild digestive issues.
Get Plaquex IV Therapy in NYC
If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol or atherosclerotic heart disease and want to avoid the harmful side effects of drugs, Plaquex provides a natural alternative that reverses arterial aging. By completely removing plaque from the arterial walls and repairing endothelial cells, Plaquex turns back the clock on your circulatory system, prolonging and improving your quality of life.
Invita Wellness offers Plaquex IV therapy in the comfort of our clinic, along with other products and services designed to improve health and promote longevity. You don’t have to resign yourself to declining health from heart disease. Schedule your first Plaquex session today, and rejuvenate your arteries for a longer and more vibrant life.
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456 Broadway 2 Floor, New York, NY 10013, USA
Detox, Why, and I. V. Drips. “Reverse Your Blood Vessel Age with Plaquex.”
Tucker, William D., Yingyot Arora, and Kunal Mahajan. “Anatomy, blood vessels.” (2017). Updated August 8, 2023.