Category Archives: Blog
Natural Beauty Therapy for Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails
If you are like many women, you probably have a collection of partially used beauty products that made big promises when you bought them, but failed to deliver the desired results. The truth is, products applied to already formed cells…
NAD+ Therapy for Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Drug and alcohol abuse and addiction are on the rise, with opioid use reaching epidemic proportions in the United States, and no sign of decline on the horizon. There are any number of reasons why people begin to abuse drugs…
How Stress Depletes Essential Nutrients, and What You Can Do About It
As humans, we all go through periods of stress that keep us awake at night and have us biting our nails to the nibs. World events, family issues, workplace conflicts and day-to-day environmental factors can all send our blood pressure…
Fight Sun Damage from the Inside Out with Micronutrient IV Therapy
We have all been warned many times about the potential harm of UV rays, and the damage they can do to skin cells, and we are encouraged to use sunscreen whenever possible. However, new research reveals that sunscreen can be…
Boost Your Work Performance and Productivity with IV Therapy
No matter where you work, it is easy to identify the movers and shakers, those energetic super productive folks who seem to get things done with time to spare. They usually walk with purpose, and tend to be positive and…
When You Can’t Afford to Be Hung Over, IV Therapy Can Help
Most people don’t go out for drinks with the intention of getting wasted, and they certainly do not want to deal with a hangover the next day. But the trouble with drinking alcohol is that it impairs your judgement, and…
Fight Foggy Brain Syndrome with Micronutrient Therapy
To function at its best, your brain relies on a steady stream of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids, along with ample amounts of sleep and stress-free relaxation. Yet our modern lifestyles often deprive us of the nutrients…
Think Smarter, Not Harder, with Brain Tonic Therapy
We all have days when we are really on the ball, with sharp mental focus that helps us perform at our peak. And then there are those other days, when getting through the workday is a mental battle that requires…
Fight Aging and Feel Great with NAD+
As much as we hate to acknowledge or accept it, aging is a natural and inevitable part of the cycle of life. Yet some people seem to age gracefully, sliding seamlessly into their silver years with vigor and grace, while…
Healthy Hair IV Therapy
Have you ever watched in envy as the model in the shampoo commercial tosses her head and her sleek shiny tresses flow across your TV screen in slow motion? You can’t help but wonder, if you used those hair care…