Monthly Archives: March 2018

The Cold Facts About Arthritis Pain and Treatment

Arthritis is an age-old disease that affects the joints, causing stiffness, pain and reduced function. In the past, arthritis, clinically known as osteoarthritis, was primarily a disease of old age, brought on by normal wear and tear of the joints…

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Hope for the Hangover: It Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Day!

A hangover can be a nasty thing to wake up to after a fun night on the town. It can ruin your plans for the day, and keep you from being productive. Despite remedies ranging from a “hair of the…

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The Science of WBC: What Research Reveals About Cryotherapy and Muscle Recovery

Anyone who has started a new physical activity or exercise regimen after a long period of being sedentary knows how painful post-exercise recovery can be. Even if you are an athlete or fitness enthusiast, post workout muscle pain is an…

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Oral Supplements vs IV Vitamin Drips: Which is Best to Get the Nutrients You Need?

When it comes to getting all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and perform at its peak, there is a lot of conflicting information circulating that can be confusing and overwhelming. Macronutrients like fats, carbohydrates, protein and water…

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Why CryoFacial is Worth Every Penney You Spend on It

Facial spa treatments are a relaxing and rejuvenating way to improve the feel and appearance of your skin, at least for a short while after you leave your session. However, most spa facials do not have lasting benefits because they…

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Whole Body Cryotherapy for Faster Muscle Recovery and Enhanced Performance

Cold therapy using ice baths and ice packs has been practiced by athletes for decades to soothe sore muscles and joints and treat injuries. In fact, icing is considered a first-line treatment for soft tissue injuries. It should come as…

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Slow Aging and Rejuvenate Your Cells with NAD+

The mechanisms of aging are not fully understood, but scientists are zeroing in on several factors that play a role in the aging process. One significant discovery is the role played by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a coenzyme that facilitates…

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Best Natural Treatments for Migraine and Other Headaches

If you suffer from frequent or even periodic headaches, you know how debilitating they can be. In an age where peak job performance depends on having a sharp and agile mind, a headache can totally blindside you, disrupting your work…

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How Cryotherapy Promotes Healthy Joints and Strong Bones

Cold therapy has been used for ages to treat injuries and relieve pain. But in recent years, scientific research as begun to reveal the far-reaching benefits of cryotherapy. It turns out that regularly exposing your body to icy-cold temperatures for…

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How Cryotherapy Helps You Recover From Injury

For decades, the acronym PRICE has been used in first aid to represent first-line treatment for soft tissue injuries. Standing for “protect, rest, ice, compression and elevation,” the treatment protocol is a quick and effective intervention to reduce pain and…

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